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By bike on Homokhát

The good weather has arrived, it's time to hop on a bike and explore the southern part of the Great Plain, where you don't have to worry about extreme differences in elevation!

Thanks to conscious planning, Mórahalom is connected to almost every settlement in the area, as far as bicycle routes are concerned. Starting from the city center, the designated bicycle path leads towards the main landscapes (with the exception of a few short sections), this north to Zákányszék, east through Domaszék or Röszke to Szeged. If they head south, with the exception of a small section, there is also an independent cycle path across the country border into Serbia. Heading west, you can cycle through Ásottthalom and Mélykút all the way to Baja on a section of protected cycle path.

And what interesting things await visitors in these settlements? See the tourist offer of Homokhátság in one place, where all other information is also available (accommodation and hospitality units in Mórahalom, regional programs and events, etc.).

Friends of two-wheelers

In 2023, two service providers in Mórahalom were awarded the title of "cyclist-friendly service provider", who provide various services (also) available to cyclists, such as, for example, the possibility of taking water, a basic repair kit, a washroom, and tourist publications.

Ezer Év Parkja also provides a good opportunity for a hearty rest and physical and mental recharge, as it is an open-air model park. The outdoor, landscaped models provide a lasting experience for all ages.

In the main building there is also a permanent exhibition and a buffet for a little refreshment.

The Tourist Office is at Tömörkeny u. Tourist publications, a map, a local product shop are waiting for those interested at number 3. If necessary, they can also help you find accommodation.

Bicycle shop and service

If you can't handle the bike on your own, ask for professional help during store opening hours or, if necessary, outside. The 'Két kereken bicycle shop and service' is located in the center of Mórahalom, where you can buy parts and accessories for your "travel companion".

Contact information of the store: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1000543633...Those who don't come to Mórahalom on two wheels, but feel like cycling, don't be disappointed either!

The Tourist Office in the center of the city provides both traditional and electric bicycles for those getting to know the area. You can find more information about bicycle rental at the following link: https://www.visitmorahalom.hu/hu/jarmuberles-1/ker...

Get on two wheels in Mórahalom too!

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