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The living room and study of the settlement, the Menyhért Tóth City Library and the Community House are located in the heart of Mórahalom.

Unfortunately, there is less and less time to read, relax, and develop ourselves. Library staff are working to get reading liked as widely as possible.

This is a place where it feels good to enter. A friendly and helpful environment welcomes entrants. The atmosphere and the countless interesting books encourage everyone to have fun and develop. Many of the library's events also focus on community building, promoting a love of reading and knowledge. Both young and old help each other and create the spiritual core of Mórahalom.

The library also serves as a Telecottage and Digital Prosperity Point. This means that they are available with a number of office and computer services, help with e-administration, and also provide general information services. As an adult education institution, it organizes and holds IT trainings, but is also happy to cooperate with other adult educators in organizing other trainings (such as language trainings).

The library of the town of Mórahalom does its best to provide development and recreation opportunities for those who come to them, to answer the questions that arise, and to help them solve their problems.