Farkas Villa

Ajánlat kéréséhez töltse ki az alábbi űrlapot, majd kattintson az Elküld gombra. Szállásadó partnerünk a lehető leghamarabb felveszi Önnel a kapcsolatot! Kérjük vegye figyelembe, hogy az űrlap elküldése nem minősül foglalásnak!


Our accommodation is ideal for both families and couples who want to relax. Our accommodation is located 300 meters from the Szent Erzsébet Mórahalmi Spa, the city's largest store is located in the immediate vicinity, but catering units can also be found within a 5-minute walking distance, whether it is a traditional inn or the delicacies of modern cuisine.

There are 7 rooms in the main building of the Villa, as well as 4 more apartments in the annex.

According to rooms, capacity and equipment:

Room 1 (4 people - 4 single beds), private bathroom, air-conditioned room, free internet, free parking, private terrace, soundproofed rooms.

Room 2 (1 person - 1 single bed), private bathroom, air-conditioned room, free internet, free parking, private terrace, soundproofed rooms.

Room 3 (2 people - 2 single beds), private bathroom, air-conditioned room, free internet, free parking, private terrace, soundproofed rooms.

Room 4 (3 people - 3 single beds), private bathroom, air-conditioned room, free internet, free parking, private terrace, soundproofed rooms.

Room 5 (1 person - 1 single bed), private bathroom, air-conditioned room, free internet, free parking, private terrace, soundproofed rooms.

Room 6 (2 people - 2 single beds), private bathroom, air-conditioned room, free internet, free parking, private terrace, soundproofed rooms.

Room 7 (2 people - 2 single beds), private bathroom, air-conditioned room, free internet, free parking, private terrace, soundproofed rooms.

Our apartments:

Opposite is the city's largest shopping store CBA Príma, and the main attraction of Mórahalom is the Szent Erzsébet Mórahalmi Spa. Several catering units with a wide selection of food and drinks are within easy reach.

We hope we have piqued your interest, we look forward to welcoming guests who want to relax!

Our guests can use the spa admission at a discount throughout the year, depending on the season.

We look forward to welcoming our guests who want to relax!

Data protection information related to our accommodation:


Kapcsolódó hírek, események